Scriptable Toolkits

The Scriptable Toolkits offer a suite of Unity ScriptableObject-based tools designed to simplify the integration and utilization of OpenAI's powerful AI services within Unity applications. These toolkits abstract the complexity of interacting with various OpenAI APIs, providing a user-friendly interface for developers to quickly leverage capabilities such as natural language processing, image generation, and speech conversion directly in their Unity projects.

ScriptableObject Advantage:

Leveraging Unity's ScriptableObject system, these toolkits allow for easy configuration and reuse of settings across different parts of your application without the need for hard-coding values or duplicating setup logic. This approach promotes a more modular, efficient, and easily manageable codebase.

Key Features:

  • Ease of Use: Simple interfaces and customizable settings via Unity's Inspector window.

  • Modularity: Each toolkit can be used independently or combined for more complex AI interactions.

  • Flexibility: Scriptable objects allow for easy saving and loading of pre-configured settings, which can be used across different scenes and projects.

  • Event Handling: Scriptable Toolkits can broadcast events and allow developers to subscribe to these events for custom behaviors and UI updates.

  • Asynchronous Support: Operations that communicate with OpenAI's servers are designed to be asynchronous, ensuring that the Unity editor remains responsive.

Available Toolkits:

  • ChatStreamer (ChatStreamer.cs): Facilitates real-time, interactive text-based chat experiences powered by OpenAI's GPT models.

  • ImageGenerator (ImageGenerator.cs & ImageGenerator_Setters.cs): Provides the ability to generate images from textual descriptions, edit images, and create image variations, utilizing OpenAI's DALL-E model variants.

  • VoiceTranscriber (VoiceTranscriber.cs): Converts audio input into text format, harnessing OpenAI's advanced speech recognition capabilities.

  • VoiceGenerator (VoiceGenerator.cs): Transforms text into natural-sounding audio, allowing for a wide range of voice synthesis options.

Getting Started:

To use any of the Scriptable Toolkits, simply create a new ScriptableObject instance for the desired toolkit in your Unity project. This can be done by right-clicking in the Project window, navigating to Create -> Glitch9/OpenAI/Toolkits, and selecting the toolkit you wish to use. Once created, select the ScriptableObject asset to configure its settings in the Inspector window according to your project's needs.

The following sections will provide step-by-step guides on how to use each toolkit, showcasing their capabilities and how to tailor them to fit your project's needs.

Last updated