Update Logs

Updates v.4.0.3 (April 29nd, 2024)

■ Added 4th UriType: PersistentDataPath.

Updates v.4.0.2 (April 28nd, 2024)

■ Resolved HttpUtility compatibility issue with Unity in IL2CPP mode. ■ Addressed improper URL formatting with "file://" protocol for UriType DownloadAndPlay. ■ Enabled manipulation and flexibility of Playlist settings by adding public setters for UriType, DownloadDirectory, and more. ■ Adjusted iOS completion behavior for missing metadata to improve stability and ensure media items are added to the list. ■ Enhanced performance by caching serialized strings for MediaItem serialization. ■ Resolved persistent issue with the repeat mode in Unity being constantly active. ■ Added an asynchronous check to the prepare method to resolve brief audio stops when using PlayWhenReady. ■ Introduced options to hide native player controls, specifically the seekbar, for a more streamlined user interface.

Updates v.4.0.1 (April 22th, 2024)

■ Broken inspectors fixed.

Updates v.4.0.0 (April 19th, 2024)

■ Major architectural changes to folder structures and system design due to updates required for Android 13 compatibility. ■ WARNING: This version, v.4.0.0, is not backward compatible with previous versions. These modifications were necessary to ensure compatibility with Android 13, affecting overall system architecture and potentially impacting integration with existing projects. Users are advised to review the updated documentation carefully and prepare for significant adjustments to their setups.

Updates v.3.2.1 (Mar 26th, 2024)

■ Fixed missing scripts on premade prefabs ■ Resolved MediaBrowser service not initiating when switching playlists

Updates v.3.2.0 (Mar 15th, 2024)

■ Refactored legacy scripts ■ Metadata is now retrieved all at once ■ More error handlings added

Updates v.3.1.2 (Mar 6th, 2024)

■ Fixed custom inspector errors

Updates v.3.1.1 (Mar 2nd, 2024)

■ Fixed crashing when calling Prepare() ■ Fixed iOS initialization issue ■ Fixed Android audio focus conflict with Unity audio

Updates v.3.1.0 (Feb 12th, 2024)

■ Updated Andorid 14 supports. ■ Fixed Android dependency issues. ■ Fixed iOS AudioSession issues.

Updates v.3.0.3 (Nov 29th, 2023)

■ Fixed Playlist initiation with ExoPlayer

Updates v.3.0.2 (Nov 22th, 2023)

■ Added Andorid 14 supports.

Updates v.3.0.1 (Nov 4th, 2023)

■ Editor scripts refactored. ■ core-ktx:1.9.0 dependency issue resolved. ■ EditorTester fixed. ■ Lots of things organized.

Updates v.3.0.0 (Oct 30th, 2023)

■ Editor scripts refactored. ■ Eliminated asset path issues. ■ Bundled dependencies.

Updates v.2.1.1 (June 21th, 2023)

■ Added Android Dependency Management. ■ Added Download() method to MediaItem class. ■ Fixed crash issue related to android PendingIntent. ■ Fixed UnityTester issues with scene reloading.

Updates v.2.1.0 (MAR 21th, 2023)

■ Added "Download And Play" to pathType. This will download media from url and save it to persistantDataPath before if the file doesn't already exist ■ Fixed UI issues with the sample scene

Updates v.2.0.5 (DEC 5th, 2022)

■ Changed the data transfer method to improve performance ■ Major rework of playlist creation ■ Added a new method : MediaPlayer.UseRemoteCommands(bool active) ■ Unnecessary metadata variables removed

Updates v.2.0.4 (NOV 12th, 2022)

■ Major rework of playlist controls ■ PlaylistController.cs is deleted and combined with MediaPlayer.cs ■ Resolved the issue with Android local player causing crash when loading a dynamically added source ■ Resolved the issue with metadata with dynamically added sources

Updates v.2.0.2 (Oct 22th, 2022)

■ Resolved iOS losing focus after stop() ■ Resolved Android local playOnAwake not triggering ■ Resolved the plugin initiating twice when reloading a scene

Updates v.2.0.1 (Sep 17th, 2022)

■ Added a new method : MediaPlayer.Play(int id) ■ You can init MediaPlayer with a start index ■ Resolved iOS not playing the track when track changes

Updates 2.0.0 (Aug 19th, 2022)

■ Uses Json instead of PlayerPrefs for saving Media Metadata ■ Added empty playlist check ■ Fixed demo scene buttons not responding ■ iOS stabilization works ■ Fixed iOS build errors ■ Updated online documentations

Updates v.1.9.6

■ Option to return to the app when clicking notification added to Android Settings ■ Option to terminate the app when dismissing notification added to Android Settings ■ Dismiss button added to Android Settings ■ Android streaming asset player no longer crashes when file is missing ■ Crash issue when switching playlists resolved

Updates v.1.9.9

■ Initiating with a media item bug resolved ■ Issues when the plugin is initiated on additive scenes resolved ■ Added an option to add a close button on Android notification ■ Added an option to change Android notification behavior upon being clicked ■ Android media button issues resolved

Version 1.9.0 (May 21th, 2022)


■ Major refactorying works - Complete refactorying of C# scripts (Unity) - Complete refactorying of Java scripts (Android) - Complete refactorying of Objective-C scripts (iOS) ■ Custom inspector design rework - Added new layouts - Added new icons - Added Android 12 Media Style Notification preview to custom inspector (AndroidSettings.cs) ■ UI components are divided to individual scripts - MediaButton.cs - SeekBar.cs - VolumeBar.cs ■ Sample scene layout rework ■ Native settings are divided to Android and iOS settings ■ Playlist/Media Metadata rework (MediaItems.cs) ■ Both native sides now send metadatas as strings to Unity when a new metadata is ready ■ Native side now can send volume information directly to Unity's volume bar (This updates the volume bar properly if there is a volume change on the native side) ■ Default media metadata settings are moved to MediaMetadataRetriever.cs ■ Android media metadata handling scripts reworked ■ Added extra runnable to track current position of the player (to reduce delay with Unity UI components) ■ Added OnInit registerer/callbacks ■ Added Date validator/converter to Android side ■ All shuffle modes now behaves like ExoPlayer ■ Previous() now seeks to 0 when the current position is more than 1

New Methods

■ bool HasNextMediaItem() - returns true if next track is available ■ bool HasPreviousMediaItem() - returns true if previous track is available ■ string RetrieveTitle() - returns the current title ■ string RetrieveArtist() - returns the current artist ■ string RetrieveAlbumTitle() - returns the current album title ■ string RetrieveAlbumArtist() - returns the current album artist ■ string RetrieveGenre() - returns the current genre ■ string RetrieveReleaseDate() - returns the current release date ■ string RetrieveArtwork() - returns the current artwork (in Base64 encoded data format) ■ Added prefix/suffix options for default metadatas ■ Added disable condition to Next and Previous buttons

New Variables


■ int PreBufferDuration - manage how much data (in seconds) is buffered before player starts playing


■ bool UseSeekBar - turn on/off the seek bar that shows on the MPRemoteCommandCenter (iOS background media controller)


■ AVPlayer now returns the correct isPlaying value ■ AutoSave now works properly - loads when player is initiated - saves when loading a new media item ■ Default Media Metadata issues resolved ■ void GetCurrentMediaItemIndex(NativeMediaPlayer.cs) now returns the unshuffled index number

Last updated