Log Manager

Log Manager is designed to offer developers comprehensive insights into their interactions with OpenAI services. This tool records every request and response, including the input provided, the output received, the model used, and the associated cost, facilitating thorough monitoring and analysis of OpenAI service usage within Unity projects.

Accessing the Log Manager

To open the Log Manager, navigate through Tools > Glitch9 > OpenAI > Log Manager in the Unity Editor. This will launch the Log Manager window, which provides a detailed view of all logs generated by interactions with OpenAI services.

Key Features

  • Detailed Log Records: View comprehensive details of each interaction, including date, type of request, model used, input and output data, and the cost of the operation.

  • Advanced Filtering and Searching: Utilize powerful filtering options to display logs by type, such as Chat Completions, Image Creations, Edits, and Variations, or use the search bar to quickly find specific logs based on keywords.

  • Usage and Cost Tracking: Easily monitor how frequently OpenAI services are used and understand the cost implications of your queries to manage your budget effectively.

  • Interactive Log View: The Log Manager uses a tree view to organize logs, allowing for an intuitive browsing experience. You can expand and collapse log entries to explore details further.

Using the Log Manager

Filtering Logs

  1. Filter by Type: Select the log types you wish to view using the dropdown menu. You can choose to display only certain types of interactions, such as image generations or chat completions.

  2. Search: Use the search bar to filter logs based on specific content, such as model names or input phrases.

Viewing Log Details

  1. Select a Log: Click on a log entry in the tree view to select it. The bottom panel will display detailed information about the selected log.

  2. Expand Log Details: For logs with extensive input or output data, use the expandable text areas to view all content without scrolling horizontally.

Managing Logs

  • Delete Logs: If needed, you can delete individual logs to clean up your log history. Right-click on a log entry and select "Delete" from the context menu. Confirm the deletion in the popup dialog.

  • Export and Backup Logs: The Log Manager allows you to export and backup your log history as a JSON file for external analysis or record-keeping. Use the "Backup Logs to Json File" option in the dropdown menu.

Analyzing Costs

  • The Log Manager displays the cost associated with each log entry, allowing you to assess the financial impact of your OpenAI service usage. Use this information to optimize your queries and manage your OpenAI API budget.

Last updated